
Nominations are now open for the 2024 South Australian Child Protection Awards, which honour those who go above and beyond to support, nurture and empower children and young people, keeping them safe and helping them thrive.

The event also celebrates the outstanding achievements of the young people who have spent time in care.

The Department for Child Protection will host the awards in partnership with the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN), during National Child Protection Week in September.

There are four new award categories to acknowledge exceptional effort across the sector this year, including a Community Service Award and Outstanding Service categories in the areas of Wellbeing and Development, Positive Impact and Sector Development.

Now in their fourth year, excitement about the awards has been growing each year since the inaugural ceremony in 2021, with almost 300 nominations lodged for the 2023 awards.

The awards share the successes of young people, recognises those making a significant difference in children’s lives and spreads awareness about the wider community’s role in supporting children and young people in contact with the child protection and family support system.

Nominations are open until 27 May and the awards will be announced at a ceremony at Adelaide Oval on September 6. HenderCare Foundation is this year’s gold sponsor for the awards, while Anglicare SA and Centacare Catholic Family Services are silver sponsors.

To find out more or to nominate, visit childprotection.sa.gov.au/awards. Media contact: Simone Ball 0481 181 886 premier.sa.gov.au

Quotes attributable to Katrine Hildyard

It is often said that keeping children safe, cared for and loved is everybody’s responsibility.

Carers, volunteers, youth workers, educators, volunteers and a diverse range of people across our state bring this mantra to life and make a lasting, positive impact on the lives of young people in contact with the child protection and family support system.

And remarkable children and young people in contact with the system, in the face of such adversity, forge their paths with extraordinary courage and strength.

There are so many stories to share and celebrate - stories of generosity, compassion and relentless commitment to empower young people, and these awards provide a really important opportunity to shine a light on those who deserve recognition for the generous way in which they play their part.

I am always deeply inspired by the stories the SA Child Protection Awards uncover, and extraordinarily grateful to those whose huge hearts and actions underpin them, and I know this year will be no different.

Anyone can submit a nomination for the awards, including young people, carers, family members and government and community organisation staff. Please join us in recognising and congratulating those whose efforts are supporting children and young people to live their best lives.

Quotes attributable to NAPCAN chief executive Leesa Waters

National Child Protection Week invites all Australians to play a part in building safer, healthier communities for children, now and into the future.

The week will continue to embrace the message that ‘Every child, in every community, needs a fair go', with the 2024 theme ‘Every Conversation Counts’.

NAPCAN values the Awards as a way to elevate the important work that’s already being done and to generate transformative conversations about how to support our families and children.

Award Categories

Outstanding achievement of a child or young person (or group of children/young people) up to 25 years old, with a care experience: celebrating the successes of children and young people.

The Voice of Children and Young People in care: recognising an individual or organisation supporting the voice of children and young people in care to be heard in decisions that affect them.

Active Efforts Award: acknowledging an individual or organisation making outstanding active efforts to implement the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle, which recognises the importance of each child staying connected to family, community, culture and Country.

Minister for Child Protection Lifetime Achievement Award: recognising an individual who through exceptional dedication and commitment has made a significant contribution to child protection for at least 15 years.

Outstanding Service Award – Positive Impact: Recognising an individual or team whose service has made a positive difference to the lives of children or young people in contact with the child protection system, in care, or with a care experience.

Outstanding Service Award – Wellbeing and Development: Recognising an individual or team’s outstanding contribution to health, disability or education outcomes for children and young people in care.

Outstanding Service Award – Regional Impact: Recognising an individual or team’s contribution to outstanding services to better care for and protect children and young people in a regional, rural or remote community.

Outstanding Service Award – Sector development: recognising the contributions of new, innovative research or resources supporting the child protection and family support sector’s understanding and knowledge in improving outcomes for children.

South Australian Foster Carer of the Year: recognising foster, specific-child only and Long Term Guardianship (Specified Person) carers, who have made a significant contribution to the lives of children and young people in care.

South Australian Kinship Carer of the Year: recognising kinship carers, who have made a significant contribution to the lives of children and young people in care.

Volunteer of the Year: recognising the invaluable contributions to child protection made by volunteers working in government or non-government agencies.

Community Service Award: recognising the outstanding contributions of individuals, groups or businesses supporting children or young people in contact with the child protection system to feel like a valued part of their community.