
An update on Safe and Supported: the National Framework.

You may recall in December 2021, the release of Safe & Supported: the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021-2031. The Framework aims to ensure that children and young people in Australia have the right to grow up safe and supported, in nurturing and culturally appropriate environments.

The development of the Framework was co-led by Fiona Ward, Deputy Chief Executive, DCP on behalf of State and Territory Governments with the Commonwealth Government and in partnership with SNAICC – National Voice for our Children and an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Group and the National Coalition.

To support transformative change under the Framework, DCP’s Deputy Chief Executive is continuing to co-lead the development of the Action Plans to implement Safe & Supported: the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children. The National Framework will be delivered by two five year Action Plans that will drive efforts to make a significant and sustained progress in reducing the rate of child abuse and neglect and its intergenerational impacts.

The first Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and General Action Plans are being developed by governments and the Aboriginal Leadership Group, in partnership with the National Coalition for Child Safety and Wellbeing.  Initial actions will be released late March ahead of the full Actions Plans being released in May 2022.