
Service providers are encouraged to remain vigilant in their efforts to look after each other, our children and young people, our carers and volunteers, particularly during any access, home visits or other essential travel.

The State Emergency Service has issued an Extreme Heatwave Emergency Warning for South Australia. Forecast hot weather conditions over a number of days may pose a risk to public safety.

Please ensure your Extreme Heat Policies are available for staff to easily access and use.

Carers and staff should be prepared with regular communication in case of emergency situations. Check the Bureau of Meteorology for updates on weather temperatures for your areas and ensure access to water and a cool environment. Refer to local media broadcasts for advice on the possibility of rolling blackouts and have a plan for these should one of your services be affected.

Please ensure that hot weather and bushfire preparedness plans are reviewed and activated where necessary. Refer to the CFS website and in particular the CFS current incidents webpage for current warnings and alerts, including bushfire emergency warning messages. The CFS bushfire information hotline is 1300 362 361 for updated information.

Please advise your staff, volunteers and carers to cancel any non-essential activities outside in the heat (including travel).

If you or someone you are with is feeling unwell, please contact your local GP or visit www.healthdirect.gov.au. For immediate attention, telephone 000.

If you are unsure of any action that may be required in relation to the care of Children and Young People under the Guardianship of the Chief Executive please contact the DCP Case Worker immediately.

Please keep safe in this extreme weather.