
Bringing young people with a care experience together to climb trees and do street art is an important part of CREATE Foundation’s Youth Advisory Group program, which aims to tackle big issues such as mental health and sibling connection.

CREATE has been hosting YAGs – as they are commonly known – for well over a decade, empowering young people aged 10 to 25 to speak up on issues that matter to them.

CREATE Foundation SA State Coordinator Amy Duke says the YAGs are just one in a suite of empowerment programs, designed to inform CREATE’s advocacy and build resources, programs and policy developments.

“Youth Advisory Groups are a regular, fun, safe opportunity for young people with a care experience to come together, have their say and contribute to advocacy for change,” Amy says.

“We receive feedback from young people at each YAG about what they like talking about and doing.”

“We use this information and upcoming advocacy opportunities, to choose fun activities and topics, such as the importance of maintaining contact with siblings when in care and accessing case files once young people have left care.”

Some examples of YAG activities include the Adelaide Tree Climb, painting stobie poles and bowling.

Amy says the success of the YAGs is that they often book out quickly.

“We find YAGs are well received by young people. Some come along for the fun activity as their main focus but like having their voice heard in the mix, others have a strong desire to inform change and engage with other young people in care.”

“As we are a systemic advocacy organisation, representing the voices of children and young people with a care experience, we must hear from them.”

“It is imperative that we hear from children and young people across many methods, one of these is through YAGs.”

“Through YAGs, we also have the opportunity to connect, empower and inspire the young people to use their own voices about decisions that impact on their lives – it is great to see young people develop in their confidence to have their say.”

For information on upcoming YAGs or to go on CREATE’s e-news list, email sa@create.org.au