
Forums held to discuss two key programs identified positive feedback and areas for continuous improvement.

The programs covered in these forums were the Supported Independent Living Services (SILS) and the Placement and Support Packages (PaSP) programs.

The programs covered in these two forums were the Supported Independent Living Services (SILS) and the Placement and Support Packages (PaSP) programs.

SILS is a fee-for-service placement option for young people aged 16 to 17 (inclusive) years to support their transition to independent living and adulthood.

The PaSP program was operationalised in October 2020 and provides short-term, therapeutic, residential care placements for children and young people based on their specific needs, with the aim of supporting children and young people to transition to suitable long-term placements. This was the second PaSP forum held for PaSP provider.

Feedback from surveys conducted as part of these forums included that both programs have clear processes in place, comprehensive information is readily available and that the young person’s voice is included.

We look forward to continuing this sector engagement in 2022.