
Did you know the Department for Child Protection offers two programs to support young people in their family based placement beyond the age of 18? These programs are Stability in Family-Based Care (SFBC) and Over 18 Education Initiative (O18EI).

SFBC provides basic carer payments to eligible families until the young person turns 21.

O18EI provides basic carer payments and education allowance to eligible families until the young person turns 25.

Young people can transition between the two programs depending on their circumstances.

To create greater consistency for young people and their carers, both programs will be managed by the Stability Post Care (SPC) Team from June 2022. For young people currently receiving the O18EI, this means they will be re-allocated to the SPC team and a member of the team will be in contact with them soon.

If you already receive either of these payments, you will not experience any disruptions while these changes occur.

For carers who have a young person who is about to turn 18, you are able to self-refer to either of the programs. View this infographic to find out more about eligibility for the programs.

You can apply by filling out the SPC application form and submitting to: DCPPost18CarerPayments@sa.gov.au Your caseworker can also submit this application on your behalf.