
Thank you to our partners who took part in the Quarter 4 (Q4) contract reviews.

The open and honest discussions DCP is able to have during these reviews, and the feedback providers offer, plays a key role in helping us achieve our combined goals.

Key takeaways from the Q4 reviews included:

  • The effort providers are making to ensure Working With Children Check (WWCC) requirements within family-based contracts are adhered to.
  • The positive response to DCP’s new carer review data sharing approach to help providers meet their review requirements.
  • The high quality and detailed feedback provided about the impact COVID-19 has had on the delivery of services. The determination and resilience shown by providers to ensure service delivery has been maintained throughout the pandemic shone through in each review.
  • The sharing of ‘good news stories’, which highlight how successful outcomes are achieved and can be used as learning opportunities for providers more broadly.

DCP looks forward to ongoing discussions with our service providers and appreciates the positive approach that is brought to these meetings.

If you have any questions about these reviews, please don’t hesitate to speak to your contract manager.