
Carer clinics and a carer charter are just some of the actions outlined in the Department for Child Protection’s new 3-year plan.

The Department for Child Protection has released a new strategy that sets out the changes we will make to better meet the unique and individual needs of children and young people in care.

Every effort for every child includes a range of actions over the next 3 years to support you as carers, recognising that most children do better in kinship or foster care. This includes:

  • introducing carer clinics to connect you with therapeutic specialists and provide information on topics that relate to child development
  • streamlining the carer recruitment, assessment and approval process
  • establishing a Carer Charter to ensure mutual understanding and respect of roles and responsibilities
  • using surveys to confidentially capture your views
  • expanding permanency options for children and young people in care, including adoption.

This strategy is one part of the government’s broader plan for protecting South Australia’s children and young people - ‘Safe and well: supporting families, protecting children’.

You can find out more about ‘Every effort for every child’ on our website.