
The Department for Education is asking all students transitioning to secondary school in 2022 to identify their preferred school.

DCP has been working with the Department for Education to plan for changes in 2022, where year 6 will become the last year of primary school for all students in South Australia, including children and young people in care. This means that for the first time, year 7 will be the first year of secondary school.

We will be preparing for both year 6 and year 7 students to be transitioning to secondary school next year. If you provide care for a child who will transition to year 7 or year 8 in 2022, you may have heard about this from the child’s primary school and received information to complete a registration of interest.

The child’s DCP caseworker will complete and lodge this application after getting in touch with you to discuss the child’s learning and other developmental needs. Together, you will identify up to 3 secondary school preferences. This will need to occur prior to the closing date for registration of interest applications on 21 May 2021.

This is a great opportunity to talk to the child and identify their strengths, interests and aspirations. In choosing a secondary school, you should also consider things like the child’s friendship groups and other supports, any special programs they offer, such as music or sport, the location of the school, and transport options. Remember that a child’s transition to secondary school is an important milestone and shapes their pathway into future learning. Many secondary schools will also be holding open days, which are a great opportunity to find out more information.

You can look up schools in your area on the Department for Education website. In recognition of their priority status, children in care can apply for, and receive entry into any government secondary school in South Australia, irrespective of school zone.

Please see the Department for Education website for further information, or contact the child’s DCP caseworker.